Year 3 walk to Oak House
This week Year 3 walked up to Oak House! We took maths problem solving questions with us and had to make arrays using the windows, beams, chimneys and plants that we could see at the house.
Year 2-Supper with Santa
Today was such an exciting day at school. The children got to watch a film show, have food together and then go and visit Santa and his elf in his grotto. It was so magical and the children even said,
"This has been the best day of my life!"
Year 4 visit Good Shepherd Church
On Monday 27th November, Year 4 had the opportunity to visit Good Shepherd Church. As we are currently learning all about sacred texts in RE, we decided that a visit to a place of worship would really help us to understand why religions have texts that are so special to them. We learnt so much about churches, The Bible and even read some of the passages and discussed their meaning in our lives today. Here are what some of the children said about our visit:
'I can not wait come again'
'I have learnt lots of new facts'
'I've enjoyed my RE learning'
Nursery Bear Hunt
After reading the story 'We're going on a bear hunt', we went off to the forest in hunt of bears!
We sang 'we're going on a bear hunt, we're going to catch a big one, we're not scared', all the way to the forest!
The children got very excited and pointed to the bears they spotted hiding in the trees.