Pancake Day in Reception
Well what a lovely day we have had! We read the story of Mr Wolf's Pancakes and then followed a recipe to make our own. We carefully measured out the ingredients; flour, eggs, milk and oil and then whisked them altogether until we had a smooth mixture.
We cooked the pancakes in the frying pan and then chose which toppings we wanted. We had the choice of lemon, banana, chocolate chip and sugar.
Idris the chef visits Year 4!
Year 4 have had a visit from Idris Caldora the chef! Today, they have been perfecting their cutting skills using the Bridge and Claw techniques. They used this to make a salad containing baby gem lettuce, cherry plum tomatoes, radishes, celery, cucumber, grapes, carrots, pepper and apples. Tonight, they will take them home and add the dressing of their choice before enjoying it with their families!
Nursery Weekly Learning 13-02-23
This week we have been talking about and making pancakes. The children used many creative skills from using scissors for cutting skills to paintbrushes for brush strokes, to using their fingers for finger painting. The children cut out their own pancakes and used their fingers to paint raisins on! They made pancakes using the playdough, they painted pancakes independently and they used frying pans to toss pancakes!
They also used cutting skills to create their own Valentines cards.
The children had lots of fun outside making their own pancakes! They added flour, water and milk and had fun mixing it all together!
Exploring forest school area, looking for sticks, climbing and making marks using the big sticks.
Reception Class Outdoor Learning 16.2.23
Today we went on a spontaneous walk around our local environment, to compare it to places we have learned about in our stories; the jungle and the cold lands. We decided that where we live is very different because we could see houses, cars, and our weather is both hot and cold.
We also talked about how the trees had changed since our last walk in autumn, noticing that now there are no leaves on the branches of the trees.
We all thought of something that we love in nature.
3H LOtC spelling
In 3H's English lesson we took our learning outside onto the orienteering course. We had to use our map to find sentences where we had to add 'there, their, they're' to the sentence.
Year One Trip to Oak House
Children had a lovely art lesson at Oak House as part of our Spontaneous outdoor learning. As well as learning about what some of the buildings would have looked like around the time of the Great Fire of London, children had a go sketching the house too. We enjoyed a snowdrop walk around the grounds in the beautiful winter sunshine! A big well done to all of the children for fantastic listening and safe and sensible walking.
Reception Class Weekly Learning 13.2.23
This week has been all about Love! We have read three wonderful stories that have encouraged us to think about how we can show people that we care and to talk about the people that are special to us.
We read the story 'The Invisible String' which helped us to understand that we are always connected to the people that we care about, even when we are apart. We made our own heart, then attached them to smaller hearts that represented the members of our families.
We have created hearts in many different ways and have used water colours and chalks to depict flowers.
We have used our phonics knowledge to write about the people that we care about and our Valentines day cards.
In maths we have been learning that a pair is two objects that are the same. We explored our classroom to find pairs..... we found a pair of cups, a pair of spoons and we even found a pair of gems in the sandpit outdoors.
We are very excited to announce that we have had a new class mate this week...we have adopted a penguin from Antarctica! At the moment it doesn't have a name, so we are all writing our suggestions on paper and we will choose one out of the hat.
LGBTQ+ History Month
February is LGBTQ+ History Month and as part of our diverse and inclusive curriculum, Key Stage 2 had an assembly to celebrate inspirational people who happen to be part of the LGBTQ+ community. We showed a range of names and faces that children may be aware of so they could see their backgrounds reflected in the people we showed. The resources shown follow the RSHE curriculum.
We spoke about how this is linked to the Equality Act which safeguards different groups of people based on protected characteristics such as gender, religion, sexual identity, age and disability.
Reducing prices by percentages at Tesco...
Today Mrs Watson's Maths set ventured up to Tesco to practise their new percentage skills in real life! They had to search for specific items, find their current retail price and then reduce that price by a given percentage to find the discounted price.
Some of the children were shocked at the extortionate prices - especially toilet roll! Thank goodness we were reducing them with discounts of up to 70%!
Mrs Watson and Mr Halls we so impressed with the children's behaviour, effort and expert maths application.
Young Voices 23
3W English LOTC
In our English lessons we have been reading the 'Flood'. We had reached the plot point where the family returned to their home to survey the damage. We then used a map to find our orienteering points, discover the damage and use of our vocabulary bingo to verbally describe to our partner what we could see.
4K - Geography LOtC lesson
In our lesson, 4K went into our school forest to investigate and locate facts about the Amazon rainforest and the Wyre forest. We looked at difference between the two and similarities.
Reception have been chitting potatoes!
We have been chitting potatoes! We are chitting potatoes to make sure the roots begin to sprout before we plant them in a few weeks time! We used egg boxes to to keep them safe and to airate them. We have placed them in our warm greenhouse to encourage the shoots to grow.
We will be watching them closely over the next couple of weeks.
Class 4P's Homophone Search!
In English today Class 4P took their learning outside to show their understanding of homophones. They had to find the words and then include them in a sentence.
Year 2 had a visit from HSBC staff
What a great way to start a Monday! In Year 2 we had some visitors come into school from HSBC. We really impressed them with our knowledge of recognising coins and notes. They set us the challenge of planning a party - how exciting! We had to think about the food we would like, the decorations we would need and decide on what we would put into the party bags. It was tricky pricing it all up but we did it.
Nursery Weekly Learning 06-02-23
This week in nursery, we shared the story Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear'. The children enjoyed learning about polar bears and the different animals that were in the story. They tried to stand on one leg like the flamingo in the story! They talked about the different noises the animals made and then had a go at imitating the sounds. The children got busy creating and learning about the features of a polar bear, through independent mark making and painting. They used cotton wool to make their polar bears look furry. Cutting features for their bear encouraged the children to practice holding and using scissors correctly.
The children explored the outdoor area and enjoyed creating bridges using the construction blocks and wooden planks and got busy in imaginative play.
The children discovered a fun way of making marks using different media outside, by using sticks to make marks in the frost that they found on the bench and on the wooden blocks!
Reception Class - Our Weekly Visit to the Forest 10.2.23
This week when we visited the forest the children were given a challenge to use any of the the natural resources that they can find, to make either a boat for penguin, or a shelter.
The children worked in teams to collect twigs, logs, branches and leaves and then they decided how their boat or shelter could be made.
The photographs below show you their creations.
The fun part was testing whether the boat was big enough for children to fit in!
Reception Class Weekly Learning 6.2.23
This week we have shared the story 'Lost and Found'. With the help of the penguin and the boy from the story, we discovered that penguins live in Antarctica, a place that is covered in snow and ice all year round. With the help of Google maps, we 'travelled' from Lyng Primary school to Antarctica and learned that there are mountains made of snow, that there are only two seasons; winter and summer and that it is the coldest and windiest place on our planet.
We have explored making boats using lots of different resources, and enjoyed testing them to see whether we could cross the oceans to help penguin return to Antarctica.
We also created some lovely paintings about our story.
We had a very special visitor this week...... our own lost penguin!
We thoroughly enjoyed teaching him about our school and showing him all the exciting activities we do each day. He especially enjoyed dinner time!
In our learning outdoors we even built a boat for penguin to sail home in, using the long planks of wood.
In phonics this week we have been practicing all of the digraphs and trigraphs that we have learned this half term. Look at some of the words we are now able to blend and read!
This week in maths we have been learning about 6, 7, 8 and 9. We have represented these on our ten frames and combined other numbers to create them using numicon.
Year 5 visit New Square
On Wednesday 8th February, Year 5 went on a spontaneous visit to New Square to identify the value of decimals. We worked in pairs to find Valentines Day cards and gifts to help us recognise the value of each digit. Some of us even managed to round our decimal number to the nearest whole which the teachers were really impressed with. The staff at Tesco Card Factory were very impressed with how well the children behaved and their understanding of how pounds and pence relate to decimals.
Great job 5B, 5D and 5EH!
Congratulations to Mrs Wellings
who has won a NSPCC award for her 'outstanding enthusiasm and motivation' in helping the lives of some of our most vulnerable children. She has even had a shout out from Heidi from the Sugar Babes!!
Nursery Weekly Learning - 30-01-23
This week in nursery we have been learning about brown bears.
The children got busy creating and learning about the features of a bear, through independent mark making and painting.
Cutting features for their bear encouraged the children to practice holding and using scissors correctly.
To help develop their emotional, social, physical, cognitive, speaking and listening skills. The children were engaged in many activities from role play, dressing up, building models to outdoor learning.
Year 6 Gold Coin For Writing
A HUGE 'Well Done' to Belle in Y6!
Today she was awarded a gold coin for her incredible dedication and effort in her writing; she is constantly pushing herself to broaden her vocabulary.
Throughout her drafting, Belle hasn't been afraid to make mistakes and try new things with her sentence structures and punctuation. Belle's final persuasive piece was so emotive and thought-provoking that she definitely needed to showcase her work to Mr Fowler and Mr Staniland.
She spent her gold coin on a wonderful new book from our vending machine. She chose 'Matilda' - one of my all time favourites!
All the staff in Y6 are so proud of your hard work and how you are inspiring others to improve their work too! Well done!
Reception Class Weekly Learning 30.1.23
This week we have been finding out that our world is full of different places and that some places have snow and cold weather all year! We have used information books to help us with our learning as well as a story about a polar bear.
Did you know that a polar bear actually has black skin under all that white furry coat! Amazing facts can be found in non-fiction books!
Look at us learning this week..
Our phonics for this week is learning to read 'compound' words, these are words that are made up of two known words.
We are learning that we can use our phonic knowledge to write words! If we say what we want to write and then segment each word we can hear the phonemes and write them. Look at some of our writing this week, we are very proud of how hard the children try!
This week in maths we have been learning about capacity. We have used the words; full, partly-full, partly-empty and empty.
Year 2 Conductive Music Workshop
What a marvellous music morning! We were very lucky to spend the whole morning making music. We had a special visitor come to teach us as part of a Conductive Music Workshop. We used ‘makey, makey’ machines to create music.
First, we used the controls on the machine to make sound.
Then we were shown how we could use our bodies to make notes because electricity can pass through our bodies. It was so much fun testing which part of our bodies could let electricity pass through it; we learnt it only worked when we touched skin.
After this, we made our very own paper pianos! We had to colour in the keys so that the electricity could pass through the graphite from the pencil.
Finally, we had the challenge of using our paper pianos to play a song. We did it!
We had such a brilliant morning and learnt so much.