The Ancient Maya
This leaflet contains curriculum information for the coming term. Please support your child where you can. If you would like more information please get in touch via Class Dojo.
Many thanks,
Mrs Watson and Mrs Strode
Key Dates for the Diary
Edible Playgrounds— 6W and 6S Every Tuesday (forest school clothes)
P.E— 6W Wednesdays 6S—Fridays (school P.E kit)
Parents’ Evening—7.11.22 & 10.11.22
KS2 Supper with Santa— 7.12.22 (3-4:30pm)
KS2 Carols on the Playground—16.12.22 (2pm)
End of Term—16.12.22—3.01.23
Homework Expectations
The pupils will receive every week:
- A piece of reading homework
- A piece of SPaG homework
- A piece of maths homework
It is vital that the homework is completed on SATS companion, so feedback can be given in class. ALL children have had their logins and a letter home to parents with the details too.
It is also important that you hear your child read on a regular basis, ideally this would be for a minimum of 10 minutes at least 3 times per week. Please record when you have heard your child read in their reading record book.
SATS revision guides might also be useful to continue to prepare children for SATS and the transition to Year 7. Many are available in book shops and on Amazon. CGP guides are recommended.
What will our curriculum look like over the next 3 months?
We will be completing 'Viking Boy' by Tony Bradman
We will also read lots of reference material about tectonic activity and volcanoes in Central America
We will study the following texts and genres:
- Horror Poetry
- Journalism
- Speaking and listening (drama)
Our Maths topics are going to be :
Problem solving
Converting measures
Position and Direction
In Science we will be studying Physics, with a focus on 'Electricity'.
Electronics - construct a working model of a set of traffic lights.
Textiles - Christmas gifts
- Continuity and Change across the Maya civilisation.
- Comparison of modern day and Maya number systems.
- The origin and importance of masks in Maya culture.
- The significance of the city of Chichen Itza
A study into tectonic movement.
The impact of natural disasters on the physical and human world.
Subsistence and Commercial farming.
Global interconnectedness.
Maya-inspired street art
(Banksy, Diego Rivera)
Christianity - is the Christian meaning of Christmas visible today?
Celebrating Difference
Invasion Games
Healthy Me
Animation (Scratch programming)

'Learning Outside The Classroom' is part and parcel of everything we do at Lyng Primary School. However, some key moments that will take us beyond our classroom walls over the next 3 months are:
- Cadbury World
- Orienteering
- Edible playgrounds
- COJO missions
-Spontaneous outdoor learning in our local community