Science Intent Statement
At Lyng Primary, we want our children to develop an intrinsic desire to question the ways the world around them works, through progression of skills in enquiry to compliment study in Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Our aim is to make science relevant and exciting to our children, with purposeful outcomes that they care about achieving. We also aim to inspire our children by modelling an approach of curiosity, questioning and scientific working with a love of learning more about how and why things happen. We acknowledge that to understand scientific terminology and apply its vocabulary to learning, pupils need to access experiential learning to commit skills to long-term memory. We have placed equal emphasis upon study of key theories and practical skills in the sciences alongside the skills to work scientifically. Each year group will carry out an investigation for each topic covered. We aim to ensure that all children can draw upon prior learning as they progress through each year group from EYFS to the end of Key Stage Two. We always ensure to meet the needs of all learners in our curriculum - challenging and enabling them to problem solve and undertake learning at a deeper level. We encourage our children to talk about their learning in wider application beyond the scientific classroom - for example, during British Science Week, which we celebrate annually.