Meet the Governors
A letter from the Chair of Governors
I am extremely proud to be the chair of the governing body of Lyng Primary School. As governors we are committed to working as part of a group of people dedicated to making our school the very best that it can be, thereby ensuring that every child learns and grows in a safe environment where they are happy, inspired and challenged to achieve to the best of their ability.
We believe that we all have an important part to play in realising our School Vision. Education is not something that is just for teachers. We can and must all work together to secure for all our children the very best possible start in life.
Our school is enormously lucky to be led by Mr Fowler who, supported by Mr Staniland, works tirelessly to instil within our entire school staff his own ambition for each and every child - that they should reach their full potential in every aspect of their development. I am confident that under their strong and decisive leadership Lyng is secured a bright and successful future.
We look forward to standing and working alongside you during the years that your child is a part of that future.
Lynn Howard
Chair of Governors
The School Governors play a strategic role in making decisions and taking action to improve the standards of teaching and learning for all pupils at the school in a safe and stimulating environment.
Who are School Governors?
The governors are made up of 9 people and are drawn from different parts of the school community which ensures that a sufficient diversity of views and experience is respresented:
- Parent governors are selected by election and are drawn from parents and carers of pupils at the school
- Staff governors - selected by election from teaching and support staff paid to work at the school
- Community governors - appointed by the governing body to represent community interests
- Local Authority governors - appointed by the LA and may be Local Councillors
- Co-Opted governors - appointed by the governing body with particular skills or experience
Our School Governors are:
Our School Governors are:
Mrs Lynn Howard – Co-opted Governor – Chair
Ms Carrie-Ann Ashmore – Co-opted Governor – Vice Chair
Mr Dominic Cooper – Staff Governor
Mr Andrew Fowler – Head Teacher
Mr Peter Staniland - Co-opted Governor
Ms Rachel Gordon – Parent Governor
Bijoy Dey - Co-opted Governor
We currently have 2 vacancies on the Governing Body. If you are interested in becoming a school governor and feel that you have the skills and commitment, please contact the school office to express your interest.
What do the school Governors do?
Governors have a range of duties and powers and a general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. This includes setting targets for pupils achievement, managing the school’s finances, making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based, the learning environment is safe, appointing staff and reviewing staff performance and pay and many more.
Special Responsibilities of Governors
Members of the Governing body have individual responsibility for an area of school life.
This year our Special Responsibilities are:
