Let's Remember
This leaflet contains curriculum information for the coming term. Please support your child where you can. If you would like more information please get in touch.
Many thanks,
Mrs Brennan & Mrs Neve

Key Dates for the diary
Each week, a child from each class will be selected as Pupil of the Week.
They will be awarded a certificate in Friday’s morning assembly at 9:10am with Mr Folwer.
You will be invited to attend via an invitation handed out on Wednesday.
Friday 28th April - 2N class assembly
SATs administered over a fortnight beginning 15th May
Sports’ Day on 4th July
Reports handed out on 14th July
Parent’s evening on 18th July
Key information for both classes:
PE takes place on a Thursday
Book change takes place on a Friday
Homework is set on a Friday
Spelling tests take place on a Friday
This year all children can continue to wear a PE kit to school (not uniform) on PE days
Every Friday we will send a piece of homework out with your child for them to complete in the orange homework book that will be provided.
Your child’s homework will include the following:
- A spelling list in preparation for a spelling test the following Friday
- A piece of English homework
- A piece of Maths homework
For each subject there are three levels to chose from to cater for the needs of all children. Your child will only need to select one activity from each subject.
Once completed, please can you take a photo and upload it onto class dojo for your child’s class teacher to see.
In addition all children will be given a reading book to take home. This book is colour banded to suit the level that your child is reading at. Each Friday your child should bring their book back into school to be changed, if they have not finished it, they can of course hold onto the book for longer.
Let's Remember
Geography— European Countries and Capitals
History— World War 1

Our key texts are going to be:
Non fiction texts about World War 1
Poppy Fields by Michael Morpurgo
George's Marvellous Medicine by Roald Dahl

The writing genres we are going to study are:
- Sentence Structure
- Spelling
- Handwriting

Our Maths topics are going to be :
Position and Direction

Learning Outside the Classroom
Edible Playgrounds—harvesting produce and creating a healthy meal
Commando Joe missions based on Pocahontas

'Plants’ and exploratory units on ‘Light, sound and electricity’

Art & DT — Paintings inspired by Vincent Van Gogh and weaving
Music— KAPOW unit
RE— Judaism
PE – Athletics
PSHE — Understanding Money