History Intent Statement
At Lyng Primary School, we strive to spark curiosity about the past and foster a lifelong passion for history in our pupils. Our cyclical approach to teaching historical periods is designed to equip children with a broad range of knowledge and skills, enhancing their understanding of the subject. History is at the main driver of our curriculum, alongside geography. We actively seek to make connections across subjects—linking historical events to literature, art and geography—to enrich the learning experience. This interdisciplinary approach helps pupils to see the relevance of history in their everyday lives and encourages them to draw parallels between the past and present.
At the conclusion of each history topic, we hold a celebration assembly where pupils showcase their skills, engagement, and progress to their peers across the Key Stage. Our commitment to a cross-curricular approach to history is further highlighted by the diverse array of artefacts displayed in the Lyng Museum, which recognizes and honours the exceptional work of our pupils.