Geography Highlights

The regeneration of Lyng

Children in Year 4 were taken for a walk around the Lyng area and West Bromwich Town Centre to look at the work the Town Planners have done to improve the area. They were given maps to complete and talked about how the area has changed. They even met one of the artists who helped to paint the fountain and artwork that can be seen around town.

Year 5 Town Planners

Children in Year 5 worked with a town planner to improve an area of the Lyng area. They planned out what they would put in the industrial area and drew it on large maps.

Fieldwork in Weston-Super-Mare

Year 5 went to Weston Super Mare and carried out some fieldwork. They were asked to find out how businesses make money along the beach front. They then compared this to businesses near school. They then had some time on the beach!

The topography of Scandinavia

Year 6 looked at the make up of Scandinavia and discussed why the Vikings were such excellent sailors. They learned about Fjords and archipelagos and created salt dough maps of the area. They then painted them the appropriate colours looking at the height of the land.