Computing Highlights

Sci-Tech trip

Year 5 had a fantastic time at Millennium Point where they attended the SciTech event. They were able to explore the Think Tank science museum, make Lego models move using coding, see a robotic dog and experience VR headsets at an exhibition and watched a fantastic Atomic Science show!   

Children have been using Micro:Bit in their computing lesson. In this year group, the children learned how to use a Micro:Bit to complete surveys, make patterns and have text scroll across the screen. It was exciting for the children to use different hardware with some software that they have not experienced before.

STEM project – 3D modelling
As part of a STEM project Lyng have been undertaking, the children have been learning how to design using CAD (Compter Aided Design) software. Each year group had a different focus to design – buildings, cars, rollercoaster. These were then rendered and 3D printed on one of our three 3d printers. During the planning stage children would have had their oracy skills developed when discussing the materials they might use and justifying why, as well as discussing what they want their designs to looks like and explain why they have made that choice. Linking these skills to real life application might inspire children to look into jobs in architecture, product development and town planning.

Inspire Afternoons for STEM project – Lyng Community

Linking to our 3d modelling, adults from home came into work with the children to design their theme using DT skills and materials.



In Early Years and KS1, the children are introduced to technology and programming through toys like Beebots. The children get to experience how pushing buttons causes an effect – the robot moving. It can be used to progress children’s understanding of algorithms and building code by pushing a series of buttons before the bot moves. The children can work with the BeeBots to improve their directional language and understanding of movement. The children are able to use their oracy skills to explain what they hope the Beebot will do using vocabulary linked to direction and position. It also helps promote their visualisation skills for planning where the robot might end up and how to program the bot to get there.