March / April 2023 Newsletter
We have three lovely lettuces growing and some children in Year 3 will harvest the leaves, wash them and hand them to our cook who will include them in the salad bar. How lovely and fresh!

I hope you are well and had a good Easter break?
Hopefully edible playgrounds will start to get really busy now with the warmer weather on the horizon and the threat of frost nearly behind us!

I’ve spotted the lovely blossom buds just waiting to burst into full flower on the apple and pear tree located by Class 5D. These fruit trees will encourage the pollinators and hopefully in the Autumn we may be able to harvest some fruits!

Lyng have recently purchased some seedlings for the teachers to share all depending what works well for their topic.
We have pak choi, beetroot and sugar snap peas. Did you know that pak choi supposedly originated in south China, beetroot in the Mediterranean and snap peas in America!
It is suggested that both Greeks and Romans ate the foliage of the beetroot! Year 4 are hoping to grow beetroot in the coming weeks! Will they eat the foliage too?

Purple sprouting broccoli - Lemon thyme and chives - Mint - Garlic
All the above can be found in the raised beds.